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How To Clear Comedonal Acne

How To Clear Comedonal Acne

Acne goes by many names, like spots, pimples, or breakouts, but did you know not all acne is the same? While they might all come with redness or bumps, different types of acne have their unique causes and need specific treatments. Think of it like a skincare mystery, where each type of acne is a different culprit. You will need the right clues to solve each case.

In This Article:

For instance, let's discuss comedonal acne. This type of acne is characterised by the presence of blackheads and whiteheads caused by clogged hair follicles. This article will help you understand comedonal acne better and provide effective strategies to treat and prevent it so you can achieve clearer skin.

Understanding Comedonal Acne 

Comedones are small, flesh-colored bumps that often appear on the forehead and chin but can develop anywhere on the skin. This common type of acne forms when too much sebum mixes with dead skin cells, bacteria, and dirt, clogging your pores. The good news? Comedonal acne is generally mild and comparatively easy to treat with the right treatment.

    Causes Of Comedonal Acne 

    Before learning about comedonal acne treatment it is important to know what factors cause Comedonal Acne. It will help you find the right solutions for your condition. Here is the list of major causes -

    • Using oily products - Oily, pore-clogging products like certain makeup, moisturisers, and sunscreens can cause comedonal acne. So, invest in oil-free and non-comedogenic products.
    • Hormones - Hormonal changes trigger excess sebum production, especially during puberty, leading to clogged pores.
    • Using hair care products - Heavy oils, gels, and pomades in hair products can cause breakouts around the hairline. Be careful when using hair products. Besides, change your pillowcases frequently.
    • Stress - Stress can trigger hormone changes and contribute to comedonal acne.
    • Hygiene - Poor hygiene allows dead skin cells to clog pores. Wash your face gently twice daily and cleanse the skin immediately after sweating to prevent body comedones.

    Skincare Routine To Get Rid Of Comedonal Acne 

    So now you may want to know how to treat comedonal acne. It's easy! Include the following in your skincare routine.

    1. Cleanser

    Wash your face only twice daily - in the morning and before bed. This routine helps maintain your skin's natural balance and prevents comedonal acne without causing additional irritation. Make sure to invest in gentle cleansers designed for acne-prone skin. Use a gentle cleanser like our Face Wash with Salicylic Acid and Thymol T-Essence. It's a sulphate-free cleanser created with Thymol T essence and Salicylic acid, clinically proven to reduce acne-causing bacteria and soothe acne in 3 days. Restores moisture leaving skin hydrated with Pentavitin molecules.

    2. Moisturiser

    Opt for water-based moisturisers, especially if you have comedonal acne. Look for moisturisers designed for combination-to-oily skin. Consider our Face Moisturiser with Niacinamide and SPF 25 PA+++. It is formulated with a powerhouse of ingredients like Vitamin B3 and Vitamin E. It protects your skin from UV rays and external aggressors that cause acne and inflammation.

    2. Spot Treatments

    Acne spot treatments target breakouts with concentrated acne-fighting ingredients. Apply a tiny amount directly onto the comedonal acne and leave it on for a few hours. This helps decrease inflammation and speed up the healing process. Use our Spot Corrector for Active Acne with Salicylic Acid. Using potent actives and a blend of hard-working natural ingredients, this spot corrector eliminates 99% of acne-causing bacteria, lightens dark spots, and heals blemishes. Infused with Salicylic acid, Niacinamide, Zinc Sebum, and Shatavari, its keratolytic properties help unclog pores, and its anti-bacterial benefits fight off acne-causing bacteria.


    If you are struggling with comedonal acne, you need to understand that managing comedonal acne is a marathon, not a sprint. You need to be patient when tackling any type of acne, as results from treatments can take a while to show. Additionally, ongoing treatment and care are necessary since overactive oil glands persist. You can effectively manage and minimise comedonal acne by staying dedicated to your skincare routine.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Q:1 Does comedonal acne go away?

    A. Comedonal acne may not resolve instantly. Without treatment, the condition can get worse. A consistent, long-term skincare routine is necessary to address comedonal acne effectively.

    Q:2 What is the fastest way to cure comedones?

    A. The quickest method to address comedonal acne involves following skincare routines, applying medicated creams or gels, and ensuring a good diet.

    Q:3 Can ice reduce comedones?

    A. Ice can alleviate redness, swelling, and discomfort in inflamed pimples like pustules and cysts, but it does little to eliminate non-inflammatory pimples like comedones.

    Written by Samradni Pradhan on May 30, 2024
    Samradni combines her love for exploring diverse beauty products with her knack for expressive writing. She delivers engaging content in the world of beauty with confidence and insight.

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